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MetaPerson Eyes Animation Sample

This sample demonstrates how to animate eye movements, such as looking up, down, left, and right.

Eyes Movements

The source code of the sample is available on GitHub: MetaPerson Eyes Animation Sample

How To Move Eyes

To move the eyes, follow these steps:

  1. Set the corresponding blendshape values for the AvatarHead and AvatarEyelashes meshes.
  2. Rotate the LeftEye and RightEye bones.
    • The rotation angle should be interpolated between zero and the maximum angle value.
    • This angle depends on the blendshape weight.

Blendshapes names and maximum angles values can be found below.

Look Up Extreme Position

  1. AvatarHead and AvatarEyelashes blendshapes:
  • eyeLookUpLeft = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookUpRight = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookDownLeft = 0
  • eyeLookDownRight = 0
  1. Rotate LeftEye and RightEye along the local X axis by -23 degrees.

Look Down Extreme Position

1. AvatarHead and AvatarEyelashes blendshapes:

  • eyeLookUpLeft = 0
  • eyeLookUpRight = 0
  • eyeLookDownLeft = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookDownRight = MAX_BLEND_VALUE

2. Rotate LeftEye and RightEye along the local X axis by 23 degrees.

Look Left Extreme Position

1. AvatarHead and AvatarEyelashes blendshapes:

  • eyeLookOutLeft = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookOutRight = 0
  • eyeLookInLeft = 0
  • eyeLookInRight = MAX_BLEND_VALUE

2. Rotate LeftEye along the local Y axis by -45 degrees.

3. Rotate RightEye along the local Y axis by -25 degrees.

Look Right Extreme Position

1. AvatarHead and AvatarEyelashes blendshapes:

  • eyeLookOutLeft = 0
  • eyeLookOutRight = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookInLeft = MAX_BLEND_VALUE
  • eyeLookInRight = 0

2. Rotate LeftEye along the local Y axis by 25 degress.

3. Rotate RightEye along the local Y axis by 45 degress.